Official Lyrics Chart | Hot 10 Lyrics
Here are The Top ten most searched Lyrics which consist of The Official Lyrics Chart. The Official Lyrics Chart is updated every week.
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About The Official Lyrics Chart
Official Lyrics Chart is a chart metric launched by The Scoove Africa on January 1, 2023, to rank the most searched song lyrics on the website. Song lyrics are ranked based on their search views. These “Search views” are referred to as ‘Points” on the official Lyrics Chart.
The song lyrics with the highest number of points tops the chart and is followed by the song lyrics with the next highest number of points.
The Official Lyrics Chart is calculated based on the number of search views a song lyrics generates within a week of its tracking. This means a song lyrics cannot appear on the Official Lyrics Chart unless it has been tracked for a week on The Scoove Africa.
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