Dada remix lyrics
Here are the lyrics of Dada remix by Young Jonn ft Davido
Lyrics of Dada remix
Dada remix lyrics
{Intro: Davido}
It’s Young Jonn the wicked producer
I’m calling, I’m calling you, you ọmọ t’o dun
{Verse One: Young John}
You’re everything I want na more (shuperu)
I dey your door and I no go commot
My medicine, my paracetamol
Baby on God
I no go jade si ta mo
Kilo wan so?
See my antenna, girl e don scatter
Omo I wanna know
Know your parol
See my eye wella
Girl e don red
{Chorus: Young John}
Only you fit do me dada (dada)
Dada (dada), dada (dada)
And I no go fit deny am (-ny am)
Deny am (-ny am), deny am
Ki lo wa n so?
See my antenna, girl e don scatter
Omo I wanna know
Know your parol
See my eye wella
Girl e don red
{Verse Two: Davido}
Hmmm, nammm
Eenie meenie miney mo
On your mark set, baby let’s go, go, go, go
Girl your body be thе koko
Money, money joko for the bank o
Oya, gimmе company
Ta l’o jẹ si mi
I fit to buy you gold ko ba le jẹ n simi
Ki lo fe gan gan, ṣe na Bentley
I no dey fear billing, ẹmi o le b’inu
You, you, you, you, you, you
I’m calling you, you ọmọ t’o dun
I’m just getting shmoney
Tryna get you out the country
Ki lo wa n sọ, see my medulla
Girl e don scatter
Me I wanna know, know your popsi
See my eye welah, girl e don red
Hmm, hmmm, ahn
{Chorus: Young John}
Only you fit do me dada (dada)
Dada (dada), dada (dada)
And I no go fit deny am (-ny am)
Deny am (-ny am), deny am
Ki lo wa n so?
See my antenna, girl e don scatter
Omo I wanna know
Know your parol
See my eye wella
Girl e don red
{Verse Three: Young John}
My imagination everyday (ahn ahn)
Girl I wanna see your face again
I see loving in your eyes (ahn ahn)
I see magic in your waistline (ahn ahn)
Skin tight mini
Se ki’n fisi?
Girl your body language s’ope on’yomi
Special feeling
Sweeter than honey
And you gimme reason to change my way
{Chorus: Young John}
Only you fit do me dada (dada)
Dada (dada), dada (dada)
And I no go fit deny am (-ny am)
Deny am (-ny am), deny am
Ki lo wa n so?
See my antenna, girl e don scatter
Omo I wanna know
Know your parol
See my eye wella
Girl e don red
Only you fit do me dada (dada)
Dada (dada), dada (dada)
And I no go fit deny am (-ny am)
Deny am (-ny am), deny am
Ki lo wa n so?
See my antenna, girl e don scatter
Omo I wanna know
Know your parol
See my eye wella
Girl e don red
Those are the lyrics of Dada remix by Davido and Young John
Download Young John “Dada” remix ft Davido
The lyrics of Dada remix by Young John opens the song well. Although Young John’s lyrics on Dada verse 1 is not as long as it ought to be.

Still, it offers a good starting point for Dada remix and opens the song well. It sets the mood for Dada remix lyrics.
To an extent, Young John uses Dada remix lyrics to underscore the level with which he is willing to treat his girl like a queen and get her everything possible.
Young John’s lyrics on Dada remix is suitable for the song.
Davido’s lyrics on Dada remix lyrics starts more like a hook than an actual verse because it serves some glibs at the beginning.
Still, he gets back on track. Dada remix lyrics by Young John and Davido analyzes how they are willing to do everything to get the lady’s attention and have some amount of peace with her.
The lyrics of dada remix does so much to emphasize what the song is about.
So yes, Dada remix lyrics by Davido and Young John suits the song.
Young John delivers the beginning of Dada remix well.
The believability in his voice makes it easy for listeners to believe in Dada remix and what he promises the lady he admires.
There is an amount of passion with which he sets the song and then brings us into his scenario.
The chorus of Dada remix lyrics peaks the delivery of the song. Although Davido’s delivery on the song is not a hundred percent, his lyrics support the delivery and establishes Dada remix lyrics till the end.
To an extent, Young John carries Dada remix through his delivery, passion and lyrics.
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Dada remix lyrics by Young John and Davido is very relatable.
There are situations when guys feel so attached to a lady and they can’t get off her and they want everything about her.
This is the case that Davido and Young John present with Dada remix lyrics and the song in general. Young Jonn is very persuasive with his lyrics and delivery and this makes the song relatable.
With Davido’s lyrics on Dada remix, the emphasis is on money and commitment. Davido says he is willing to buy her gold if she can let him in.
This happens most of the times when guys can’t seem to understand while ladies can’t give in to them even when it seems like they’ve bought everything for them.
On Davido’s verse and the lyrics he has on Dada remix, he says he is ready to commit and meet her parents. This makes Dada remix relatable.
Replay Value
Dada remix by Young John and Davido has its fair share of replay value.
The lyrics of Dada remix makes the song replay able, but it’s the chorus that does the most job of making the song have a high replay value.
The chorus has catchy and memorable lyrics and this makes Dada remix have a high replay value.

The only flaw with Dada remix is the fact that the lyrics are suitable but very common, and the only the song standout is the chorus.
Apart from that, the other verses are not unique at all.
Delivery: 1.4/2
Replay Value: 1.5/2
Mixing and Production: 1.4/2
Relatability: 1.5/2
Lyricism: 1.2/2
☆Total: 7/10
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Nigerian vocalist/producer Davido blends traditional African elements with global mainstream pop for a sound that’s equal parts intriguing and infectious.
He quickly grew from club-ready early songs to charting tracks and features from big names like Nicki Minaj and Chris Brown on his 2020 album- A Better Time.
Davido was born David Adedeji Adeleke in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1992. His interest in music began while attending Oakwood University in his late teens, and he started making his own beats and investigating music production.
He dropped out of school and began pursuing music full-time, relocating to Lagos, Nigeria, and releasing his debut single, “Back When,” in 2011.
The single received some attention for its mix of clubby production, high-energy vocals, and Afro-pop rhythms, and was followed shortly by second single “Dami Duro.”
Work began on his debut album, “Omo Baba Olowo”, which was released in 2012 and produced a plethora of singles.
Success came quickly for Davido, and he sated his fans with a string of new tracks released over the next several years while he was working on his sophomore album, The Baddest, which was still unreleased as of 2020.
Between 2013 and 2017, singles like “Gobe,” “Aye,” and “Pere” (among many others) piled up, sometimes featuring collaborations with bigger-name rappers like Meek Mill and Young Thug.
Between albums, Davido also inked a deal with RCA.
More standalone tracks followed until 2019, when second album A Good Time arrived, featuring guest appearances from A Boogie wit da Hoodie, Perruzi, Popcaan, Chris Brown, Summer Walker, Gunna and other stars from around the world, and did well both commercially and with critics.
Davido quickly followed the next year with his third effort A Better Time. The album was a similarly star-studded affair, with guest spots from Nicki Minaj, Lil Baby, Saulti Sol, and many others on Davido’s bright and catchy R&B-infused Afropop.
“A Better Time” also fared well commercially, breaking into the Billboard charts its first week of release.
Credit: Fred Thomas, Rovi