Stanley Okorie Billionaire Lyrics
Here are the lyrics of Billionaire by Stanley Okorie
Stanley Okorie Billionaire Lyrics
Onye ji cash e
{Billionaire who has money}
Chopping and spending the cash!
There is no mercy for money
Maka why ? {Because why?}
O ji the cash e
{Verse 1}
When you get the cash o
You go know say life dey sweet o
Everything na yes sir
because you carry the Naira
Maka Ugba Amaka
Poor man a jor ka
Billionaire a sor ka
Maka ugba amaka
Poor man a jor ka
Billionaire a sor ka
Onye ji cash e
{Billionaire who has money}
Chopping and spending the cash!
There is no mercy for money
Maka why ? {Because why?}
O ji the cash e
Onye ji cash e
{Billionaire who has money}
Chopping and spending the cash!
There is no mercy for money
Maka why ? {Because why?}
O ji the cash e
Onye ji cash e
{Billionaire who has money}
Chopping and spending the cash!
There is no mercy for money
Maka why ? {Because why?}
O ji the cash e
That’s the lyrics of Billionaire by Stanley Okorie.
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Stanley Okorie Billionaire Lyrics revolves around the fact that when people suddenly have money or get money in one way or another, they become ballers and spend it with the conviction that they have more.
At that point, there is absolutely nothing to worry about because money is not a problem.
The song actually praises those that can afford to spend money the way they like and states categorically that being poor can be annoying and irritating.
Stanley Okorie’s Billionaire is a motivational song to make money!
Stanley Okorie Billionaire lyrics also point out that when you become rich, some enormous amount of money that seems too stupid to spend will become like “chicken change” to you.
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You won’t mind spending money on things you thought you would never buy and you would even buy them with the conviction that they are now luxuries you can afford.
Also, Stanley Okorie Billionaire Lyrics actually describes the level at which you can ball with that kind of money.
It is the “Billionaire status” and not the people with paltry “six or seven figures”. Although, the use of “billionaire” in Stanley Okorie’s song might actually be a metaphor for a huge amount of money or even a representation for “hype”.
It could mean that when people have money, they begin to spend it like Billionaires.
Although to an extent, Stanley Okorie asks why people “have no mercy” for money and spend it as extravagantly as they want to just because they have it.
It calls into question the age-long habit of showing off and buying things you actually don’t need just because you can afford it.
Apparently, Stanley Okorie hopes people can have enough “mercy” on money and not spend it on just anything that money can buy.
So yes, Stanley Okorie’s Billionaire is a hype to those that spend money to enjoy themselves, and a subtle amazement of those that do not stop spending money just because they have it.
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Stanley Okorie’s Billionaire also describes the kind of respect and attention given to people with money. As long as you have the naira, everyone begins to respect you and say “Yes Sir” because money has attributed wealth to you.
Watch Billionaire by Stanley Okorie here
Stanley Okorie is a Nigerian actor, singer and composer who writes songs for films to serve as the official soundtracks. He is highly prolific and versatile.