Runtown “Things I Know” Lyrics
Here are the lyrics of Things I Know by Runtown
Things I Know lyrics Runtown
Song Genre: RNB
Running time: 2:50
Runtown Things I Know Lyrics
Baby do that
{Verse 1}
Steady trying, amma trying to keep my vibe
I no getti time for no fucking Parasite
I just want liquor and a likkle bit of Ice
Money and my peace I never compromise
Me know say talk is cheaper
When you see me, I’m attention seeker
XXL the girls dem ah ginger
My babey you for signal me make I know
Baby you for ginger me make I know
Feel it coming close
Ehn, I can feel it coming closer
E be like gongo aso
I stand on what I know
Come make I tell you the Things I know
Faaji na fun by fun
My babe fine, fine
Give you my time, time
Oya listen to the Things I Know
Faaji na fun by fun
Baby do that
It’s the way she move body oo
Na the way she ju Ibadi
Baby do that
It’s the way she move body oo
Baby softly move body
{Verse 2}
See the way I’m feeling right
now is a vibe say no money can’t buy
And it should have been a
crime whine fit to kill mankind
Hmm, hmm
Why you do that, tell me why she do that?
You need to see the way she dey do the rumba
You need to see the way her body dey maneuver
Wetin she give me chop I don’t know
Know say I pull up when she wants ooh oh oh
E be like gongo aso
I stand on what I know
Come make I tell you
the Things I know
Faaji na fun by fun
My babe fine, fine
Give you my time, time
Oya listen to the Things I Know
Faaji na fun by fun
E be like gono aso
I stand on what I know
Come make I tell you the Things I know
Faaji na fun by fun
My babe fine, fine
Give you my time, time
Oya listen to the Things I Know
Faaji na fun by fun
It’s the way she move body oo
Na the way she ju Ibadi
It’s the way she move body oo
Baby softly move body
Baby do that
That’s the lyrics of Things I know by Runtown
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Runtown Things I Know lyrics are used to highlight how Runtown falls head over heels in love with a lady and she breaks his heart.
Runtown uses Things I Know lyrics to show how he fell in love with another lady but now he has trust issues.
To some extent, Things I Know lyrics by Runtown shows how guys can’t sometimes get over their heart getting broken and they just can’t trust anyone they find themselves in a relationship with even if the person is faithful.
Runtown Things I Know lyrics point to this.

There is the problem of trust because of past heartbreak experience and Things I Know lyrics brings this out. Runtown explains why he just can’t believe the lady no matter how hard he tries to.
At this point, we can argue that Runtown Things I Know lyrics are used to explain how he is guarding his heart from any lady that wants to break it.
Before we start making judgments, it may seem that Runtown Things I Know lyrics does expatiate something that really exists, and the lyrics make the song more reasonable.
So yes, Things I Know lyrics by Runtown are highly suitable for the song.
Runtown delivers Things I Know with an amount of passion coupled with experience.
It may really be that Runtown is singing this song with the experience of having his heart broken several times- this is what most singers do most of the time too. Like Burna Boy’s Last Last.
In Runtown’s case, his issue is trust, and we can easily decipher that through Things I Know lyrics.
Runtown’s Things I Know is as relatable as it can get. It is often said that women are usually more forgiving to guys that they are in a new relationship with even if their heart has been broken before.
However, Runtown uses Things I Know lyrics to show that the case is not the same with guys.
They get to a point where they reach the peak and they don’t want to give their heart to anyone because they are trying hard not to fall in love with anybody else. It doesn’t get better, and Things I Know lyrics proves this.
Runtown tries to explain with Things I Know Lyrics that he is desperately trying to believe the lady and love her too, but he can’t bring himself to do it.
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Replay Value
Things I Know lyrics, as well as the delivery and Relatability all contribute to the replay value.
Can we applaud Runtown Things I Know lyrics once more? It really makes the song a vibe!
It’s hard to find a flaw with this song. Things I Know lyrics and the theme, is what makes it not just any other heartbreak and trust-issue song.
It stands out. The fact that Runtown does not make the song about enjoying Things I Know with his lover is what makes the song unique. Things I Know lyrics, the delivery, everything seems to be on point.
Lyricism: 1.5/2
Delivery: 1.4/2
Mixing and Production: 1.5/2
Relatability: 1.5/2
Replay Value: 1.6/2
☆Total: 7.5/10
Stream Things I Know here
Runtown was born on 19 August 1989 in Enugu but grew up partly in Abuja and Lagos, where he finished his primary education.
After the death of his father, he moved to Abuja with his mother, who was working in the Ministry of Health.
In 2014 he released “Gallardo”, a song which features vocals from Davido and was released as the first single off his debut studio album Ghetto University.[3] Gallardo went on to win “Best Collaboration of the Year” at the 2014 edition of the Nigeria Entertainment Awards.
On 23 November 2015, Runtown released his debut studio album titled Ghetto University via MTN Music Plus through Eric Many Entertainment.
The album generated over 35million views on the music portal thus earning him a spot in the list of “Top 5 Most Streamed Artist.
On 4 November 2016, Runtown released the ballad “Mad Over You”, which charted at number 38 on the Billboard Twitter Top Tracks chart.
Joey Akan from Pulse Nigeria described the song as a “self-produced track that draws inspiration from the Ghanaian Alkayida sound”
Runtown told The Fader magazine that the song was inspired by African beauty