Owo ni koko lyrics BOJ ft. Fireboy DML
Here are the lyrics of Owo ni Koko by BOJ and Fireboy DML
Fireboy DML and BOJ Owo ni Koko lyrics
Lyrics of Owo ni Koko by Fireboy DML and BOJ
(Itâs KrisBeatz the drama boy)
{Verse 1: Fireboy DML}
(Yo-uh yuh yuh)
I dey hustle non-stop
Whether na street or na house,
I donât care, anywhere na my workshop
I must put my mama in a drop-top
Omo if I no get money I don fuck up
Omo no dey tell me whatâs up (Yeah)
No dey tell me whatâs up
I dey where men dey
So if you no get money make you shut up
{Chorus: Fireboy DML}
Owo ni koko o
If you no get money make you shut up
Owo ni koko o (Yay yeah)
Omo if you no get money make you shut up
{Verse 2: BOJ}
Emi badman, emi Van Damme
Emi Bruce Lee fall fly cake o
I be actor for action
Invi Fendi, high fashion
On a longer, anaconda
Funny guy, I be Frank Donga o
Shey six time abi
Me and all my guys just dey shine abi (Ehn ehn)
Owo ni koko
Get the money koko
On the low low
No we donât do promo
I be musician, no be politician
I got the vision, rotate the [?]
{Chorus: Fireboy DML}
If you no get money make you shut up
Owo ni koko o
If you no get money make you shut up
Owo ni koko o (Yay yeah)
{Bridge: BOJ}
(Ewo ni banter)
(For Fanta)
(I no dey get time for this malo matter)
(Holy water, lori altar)
(This is real life, this is factual)
My baby [?] be like small pikin
She dey want see like Iâm Galilee
Me and my money, they canât come between
Anyway, Anyhow be way
Boj on the mike, Iâm not far from [?]
Make me the finger to my enemies
[?] my woman
[?] on my trees
(Anyway, Any way na way)
{Chorus: Fireboy DML}
Shut up
Owo ni koko o
If you no get money make you shut up
Owo ni koko o (Yay yeah)
Omo if you no get money make you shut up
{Verse 3: Fireboy}
Make the money enter
You no see Otedola
Shey o lori meta?
Air max guys center
You go start to japa
You dey form bad gang
But you no be member
Omo if you dey find me I dey Oriental
I dey hustle, I dey sing pon the instrumental
One song, two songs, omo I don mental
You get two G-Wagons, omo moni meta
But I still dey hustle for the streets
Me I no get time for politics
(Ah) Too much talent dey worry me and
I got KrizBeats and Boj on the beat (Yeah)
{Chorus: Fireboy DML}
Shut up
Owo ni koko o
If you no get money make you shut up
Owo ni koko o (Yay yeah)
Omo if you no get money make you shut up
{Outro: BOJ}
(Ewo ni banter)
(For Fanta)
(I no dey get time for this malo matter)
(Ewo ni banter)
(For Fanta)
(This is real life, this is factual)
Those are the lyrics of Owo ni Koko by Boj and Fireboy Dml
Wizkid and Ayra Starr Collaboration: All we know
The lyrics of Owo ni Koko by Boj and Fireboy DML are appropriate for the song.
BOJ uses his lyrics on Owo ni Koko to describe how important money is, especially in countries where it determines success, progress and achievement.
So, if you donât have money, you had better shut up and hustle.
BOJ and Fireboy DML use the lyrics of Owo ni Koko to show that the things we pay attention to and do is as a result of our quest to make money.
People respect our status, and even when we talk or give ideas because we have money.
The lyrics of Owo ni koko by BOJ and Fireboy show that we can work as hard as others can.
This is why owo ni koko lyrics indicates that Otedola does not have two heads, and by indication, we should strive to work as hard as he did, and currently does because it is as simple as that- Owo ni Koko.
âKwaku the travellerâ lyrics Black Sherif
To an extent, Owo ni koko lyrics by BOJ and Fireboy establish that not having money can not only be crippling, it can reduce the respect and opportunities a person can get.
So yes, Owo ni koko lyrics by Boj and Fireboy suit the song accordingly.
Fireboy DML and Boj started Owo ni Koko with a passionate delivery.
Meanwhile, towards the end, the delivery slighted off but picked up consequently.
The delivery Fireboy and BOJ had on owo ni koko cemented the message they were trying to pass about hustling and making money.
Their delivery makes us realize the truth behind their message and that it sounds personal. At the end of the song, we truly believe that Owo ni Koko
The lyrics of owo ni koko by Boj and Fireboy Dml makes the song so relatability. We are all trying to hustle.
So, it makes the song relatable.
If you donât have money, you donât have a seat at the table, hence, you donât have a voice and so, it implies that you should shut up and hustle.
It may sound a little harsh but itâs so true. Boj and Fireboy inspire us to hustle because they both indicate that no matter their material possessions, they still hustle.
This is why BOJ indicates that he has 2 G-wagons but he still has to hustle. Money making process does not stop, and thatâs whatâs important.
Replay Value
The relatability of Owo ni koko, as well as the lyrics of owo ni koko by Boj and Fireboy makes the song have a high replay value.
You would want to listen to the song as many times as possible because it speaks on a very realistic situation that happens all the time.
Why Owo ni koko truly speaks on why having money is important.
It doesnât speak on the fact that getting money is important but not as important as the process involved in getting that money.
This is why TIâ Blazeâs âTryâ which has a similar song theme, included in his lyrics that it is good to chase money, but not in an illegal way.
Lyricism: 1.7/2
Delivery: 1.5/2
Relatability: 1.7/2
Mixing and Production: 1.3/2
Replay Value: 1.6/2
Total: 7.8/10
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