Boy Spyce Nobody lyrics.
Here are the lyrics of Nobody by Boy Spyce off his self-titled EP titled Boy Spyce
Lyrics of Nobody by Boy Spyce
Boy Spyce Nobody lyrics
I donât think Iâll ever run for
But you
{Verse 1}
Been in love with you for years
But I act like we just friends
I don tire for pretense
Oh oh
Had to get this off my chest
Afterâallâofâthis I guess
Youâgo start toâsnub my text
Cos love no go work if your heart no dey beat
The ship no go sail if your feelings dey sink
Wetn I do to deserve all of this
And this is the song that explains how I feel
I donât Iâll ever run for
But you oh baby
I donât Iâll ever run for
But you uhh uhh uhh
But you uhh uhh uhh
{Verse 2}
Like the stars light up the sky
When thereâs darkness in the night
You dey brighten up my life
Shey you know
You dami lori ru
But Iâm still in love with you
And I wanna be with you
Cos love no go work if your heart no dey beat
The ship no go sail if your feelings dey sink
Wetn I do to deserve all of this
And this is the song that explains how I feel
I donât Iâll ever run for
But you oh baby
I donât Iâll ever run for
But you uhh uhh uhh
But you uhh uhh uhh
Snap me fine cinemato (Snap me fine cinemato)
Nobody ahn
Ye ye ye ahh ahh ahh
Those are the lyrics of Nobody by Boy Spyce
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The lyrics of Nobody by Boy Spyce not only suits the song, it adds to the replay value of Nobody by Boy Spyce.

Boy Spyce Nobody lyrics show that he proves that he will forever love his love interest no matter how much he tries to hide it.
The lyrics of nobody by Boy Spyce shows that he is very willing to put all in with his lover.
Nobody lyrics by Boy Spyce shows that love should be willing to give all.
Boy Spyce uses nobody lyrics to show that he is all in for his lover and he wants her to love him back in return.
With the lyrics of nobody by Boy Spyce, nobody shows a case of unrequited love.
Nobody lyrics by Boy Spyce shows that he is more than willing to give all but it appears the lady does not love him back.
Boy Spyce shows with his lyrics on Nobody that he doesnât want to be with anybody else but his love interest.
Meanwhile, with the lyrics of Nobody, Boy Spyce indicates that you can make someone come to the realization that you are in love with them. According to Boy Spyce, the lady seems to be holding back.
He says:
âLove no go work if your heart no dey beatâ
These lyrics are indeed very interesting. The lyrics of nobody by Boy Spyce are very suitable for the song.

Boy Spyce delivers nobody with such passion that it becomes very convincing that he wants to be with no one else.
He delivers the song so much that he puts his heart into it.
No matter who listens to this song, their heart opens up a bit because Boy Spyce attempts to woo the lady in question.
Replay Value
The chorus is the catchiest part of the song and it increases the replay value of Nobody. It is what listeners can take with them.
That chorus can easily be remembered by anyone.
The passionate delivery with which Boy Spyce delivers Nobody, as well as lyrics of nobody by Boy Spyce, and the Catchy chorus, will make people listen to it as many times as possible.
Nobody has the catchiest chorus ever and this makes it such an amazing song.
Itâs the catchy chorus that Boy Spyce puts on Nobody that makes it a song that stands out on Boy Spyce Ep.
Nobody is a song that can be played at weddings.
It is the perfect song. It has the best lyrics.
Boy Spyce puts a lot into this track. He sounds so real on this track and the truth in his voice makes Nobody a track that listeners will listen to most on the Boy Spyce EP.
Lyricism: 1.7/2
Delivery: 1.5/2
Mixing and Production: 1.6/2
Relatability: 1.7/2
Replay Value: 1.8/2
âTotal: 8.3/10
Stream Boy Spyce Nobody here
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Boy Spyce EP review
Boy Spyce EP contains songs that have thoughtful lyrics. It addresses contemporary issues in such a practical way. Even the love songs on Boy Spyce Ep have such unique lyrics that make them sound original. The passionate delivery with which Boy Spyce delivers the EP increases its replay value. It is obvious he doesnât try to over impress. Indeed, Boy Spyce is the whole-package deal.
There are no bad songs on Boy Spyce Ep. The standout records are âNobodyâ, âDreamsâ, and âBad thingsâ.
Boy Spyce may be young, but the amount of wisdom and maturity he displayed with the lyrics on the songs of Boy Spyce Ep, shows that he is a true artist.
Age is not a barrier to being a good singer, and Boy Spyce is proof of that!
On dreams, Boy Spyce exemplifies that people have different dreams, and that no one should force anyone to be what they donât want to.
There are some that education suits well and they know that the best way for them to make it in life is through education.
Boy Spyce makes an example with himself by saying he knows how to sing and write songs, and he is not overwhelmed by what other people are saying.
He didnât go to university because he knows what he wants and he went after it.
Meanwhile, he doesnât disparage other peopleâs dreams but emphasize that people should chase their dreams without getting influenced by other people or copying them just because it is the norm.
Too many times, we have been influenced by what the norm is supposed to be and not what we should make of our life.
There are things we should pay attention to and that is our dreams.
Boy Spyce uses lyrics that shows that he doesnât stand on the fence when it comes to chasing oneâs dreams. Go for what you want, and that is what is important.
Boy Spyce also show with dreams that people should support each otherâs dreams. He shows this by asking his friend to call him when he gets to his destination.
Bad Things
Bad things is the most illustrative song on Boy Spyce Ep yet.
He describes how he wants to be with the lady he has over. Boy Spyce delivers such descriptive lyrics on Bad things that it becomes impossible not to imagine these things.
Boy Spyce says that he wants the lady so much and he wants to âchop her like waferâ
Bad things is accompanied with such lyrics that do not show menâs crude desires, rather, Boy Spyce makes Bad things sound like these things are inviting even though they are bad things.
Boy Spyce makes those âBad thingsâ sound like they are actually good things.
It doesnât sound bad at all. Of course, these things are sexual. But he presents it in such a way that makes it sounds like the lady wants the bad things he wants to do to her.
Boy Spyce sounds so persuasive with Bad things. Kudos to Boy Spyce on this record.
First, the mixing and production on Wayo is sizzling.
It is applauding that, because Wayo is the second romantic song on Boy Spyce Ep, and it is immediately followed by Bad Things, which is the second song off Boy Spyceâ EP.
Wayo doesnât have similar lyrics to Bad things, and this is commendable, Boy Spyce did well on this.
Wayo has that raw afro beats lyrics and beats that makes him sound like he is a pure afro beat artist, which is in fact who he is.
Wayo is reminiscent of a polished Afrobeats â90s song.
Wayo means to deceive someone, and Boy Spyce pleads with his love interest not to deceive him.
The glibs that Boy Spyce uses on Wayo even make the song sound better because the song is well embedded with suitable lyrics.
Boy Spyce did well on this track, because Wayo is supposed to be the least powerful track on Boy Spyce Ep.
Meanwhile, Boy Spyce seemed to invest a lot of passionate delivery on this track which even makes it a potential hit.
Destiny is the second song off Boy Spyce Ep that is not a romantic song.
Boy Spyce shows an amount of maturity on each of the tracks on Boy Spyce EP and this is applauding.
Destiny is a sermonic song on which Boy Spyce enjoins people to actually put in the work rather than hoping grace comes to save them.
Destiny is the least powerful song on Boy Spyce Ep, but it is so didactic that its relatability makes it have a high replay value.
Boy Spyce doesnât mince words in telling his listeners that they should work had because âdestiny no go come meet you for houseââ which is in fact, very true.
It is very amusing that he puts the funny comedic voice at the end.
This is indicative of someone that is lazy and still doesnât know what they want.
Most likely, it is the inspiration behind the song.
Destiny has that old-highlife sound that makes it sound more interesting.
Boy Spyce may be young, but he spills the truth with such clarity and wise words.
Boy Spyce insists that hard work does bring success and people should pay attention to this rather than banking on grace and leisure.