“Palazzo” Lyrics DJ Spinall ft Asake
Here are the lyrics of Palazzo by DJ Spinall ft Asake
Lyrics of Palazzo DJ Spinall ft Asake
DJ Spinall ft Asake lyrics
Top Boy
{Verse 1: Asake}
Omo ologo ko ni so fo
Gbogbo ishoro re ota nio ko
Enu e oni gbe o ni mofo
Omo l iko opolo lo fi gbe Eko
Shey you no like designer
Abi you no go like to gapa
Ibigi laga ti gaga
You gas to shope tie coz you dey right now
{Chorus: Asake}
Palazzo, jiggy gboja kole reason
No sleeping omo no dulling
Gba updating kia kia omo iyami
My g oshamo jami
Oju dema ti awon otami
Ebami sami
Omo lomo larin ota ni
I no fit lie, I no fit lie you’re not my type
If no be God, if no be God I for don die
Olohun like Omo olowo
Olohun like ajepako Ohun like ajebutter
She say she like cucumber
She say she like the one wey long anaconda
{Hook: Asake}
Two girls for my middle
Which one I go lock
And as a badboy am singlе
20 girls I go lock
Ekwesu pure Romance
Party don dey start
Evеrybody don dey dance
Ekwesu pure Romance
Party don dey start
Everybody don dey dance
{Verse 2: Asake}
Getting money is my hobby
Gbedu ponping I dey para mio le lobby
As you can see for overseas
Them dey find mr money all over bi ramoni
Is going kososhi olomi
Bowo Gucci Versace kode ni sewu
Gba odeku pelu isiewu
Koma jorgo kole yo be fere Jesu
Palazzo, jiggy gboja kole reason
No sleeping omo no dulling
Gba updating kia kia omo iyami
My g oshamo jami
Oju dema ti awon otami
Ebami sami
Omo lomo larin ota ni
Ekwesu pure Romance
Party don dey start
Everybody don dey dance
Oh my God
Bring that beat back!
1, 2, 3, come on!
Palazzo, jiggy gboja kole reason
No sleeping omo no dulling
Gba updating kia kia omo iyami
My g oshamo jami
Oju dema ti awon otami
Ebami sami
Omo lomo larin ota
That is the lyrics of Palazzo by DJ Spinall ft Asake
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The lyrics of Palazzo by DJ Spinal ft Asake underline one thing- that Asake meets a girl who is all not all “butter and palazzo” but he has mixed feelings about her because she wants something else
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The lyrics of palazzo by DJ Spinall ft Asake explores how we all want designers because we like the good things of life, but loving these things are not a problem.
However, on Asake Palazzo lyrics, he says the lady wants something else- which is constant sex with a man who can fulfil her sexual needs all the time.

Asake Palazzo lyrics outline what some ladies like. Even if the guy does not like it, he has to pretend that he does for the sake of being a man.
But Asake Palazzo lyrics ends up with Asake stating that he doesn’t want the lady anymore because she is not his type and he would have almost “died” as a result of the sexual activities if not for God. Funny
Asake uses the lyrics of Palazzo to state that even to an extent, these things do not determine happiness or relationships.
Asake also uses Palazzo lyrics to emphasize how he is in the crocs of choosing from the many lady options made available to him.
DJ Spinall Palazzo lyrics at this point, refers to the “pressure” on Asake when girls realize he may Infact have sexual prowess and they think he’s all about that life.
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Asake delivers Palazzo with some realism in his voice, and he tries to show that he is trying to connect with the song to.
This offers a kind of A-effort for his delivery on the song.

DJ Spinall ft Asake and their delivery on the song is what makes the song embedded with glibs and the vibes needed to make Palazzo everything that sounds like the kind of song that people would love to play in clubs.
To an extent, this song may be relatable in the case that girls see Asake as a sexual being and as a result of that, want to be with him all of the time.
Asake says he is not about that life all the time and this may be the case with most guys, or in comparison to ladies, they are not about that life too.
Replay Value

What makes DJ Spinall Palazzo ft Asake have an amount of replay value is the glibs embedded in the lyrics of Palazzo DJ Spinall ft Asake.
This is also a vibes music that is most likely going to be a bop on the streets and it will get accepted very much among people who find the song relatable.
So yes, this may add to the replay value of Palazzo Dj Spinall ft Asake.
Mixing and Production
The Mixing and Production of Palazzo by DJ Spinall ft Asake could have been done a little differently other than the usual Asake sound that we’ve always known.
In fact, Palazzo sounds more like Sungba with the beats.
The major flaw with this song is the confusion about the song direction.
We get that Asake’s music thrives on glibs, but sometimes, it becomes hard to know what the song is about exactly unless you find the meaning in the song.
This is what happens with DJ Spinall Palazzo ft Asake
In the case that you find the meaning, you realize that it clashes with one of the glibs and you are back to square one- trying to figure out what every word means when in fact, they may not mean anything at all. That’s why they are called glibs

Delivery: 1.5/2
Lyricism: 1.2/2
Replay Value: 1.6/2
Relatabilty: 1.4/2
Mixing and Production: 1.3/2
☆Total: 7/10
Click here to stream DJ Spinall Palazzo ft Asake
The Mixing and Production of Palazzo by DJ Spinall ft Asake could have been done a little differently other than the usual Asake sound that we’ve always known.
In fact, Palazzo sounds more like Sungba with the beats.
The major flaw with this song is the confusion about the song direction.
We get that Asake’s music thrives on glibs, but sometimes, it becomes hard to know what the song is about exactly unless you find the meaning in the song.
This is what happens with DJ Spinall Palazzo ft Asake
In the case that you find the meaning, you realize that it clashes with one of the glibs and you are back to square one- trying to figure out what every word means when in fact, they may not mean anything at all. That’s why they are called glibs
Delivery: 1.5/2
Lyricism: 1.2/2
Replay Value: 1.6/2
Relatabilty: 1.4/2
Mixing and Production: 1.3/2
☆Total: 7/10
Click here to stream DJ Spinall Palazzo ft Asake