Come and Go remix lyrics Black Sherif, Ardee
Here are the lyrics of Come and Go by Ardee ft Black Sherif
Ardee ft Black Sherif Lyrics Come and Go lyrics
{Intro: ArrDee}
Stay with me, donāt fall asleep too soon
The angels can wait for a moment
ArrDee, ArrDee
Come and you go
Canāt trust no soul, no
Story of my life, haha
Look, uh
{Chorus: ArrDee}
In this world,
you come and you go (Go)
Story of my life
Iāve been on my ones, on grinding
Not getting by but itās all timing
I donāt mind it, itās alright
However you cope
When you live in a place so cold
Hearts get froze,
I donāt trust a soul
āCause in this world,
you come and you go (Go)
Story of my life (Uh)
Iāve been on my ones, on grinding
Not getting by but itās all timing
I donāt mind it, itās alright
(Itās alright)
However you cope
When you live in a place so cold
Hearts get froze, I donāt trust a soul
{Verse 1: Black Sherif}
Being away from this wicked things for a while
Now Jiggers running their mouth
With the soda up and wilding
See this mandem fear and never try me
They smoke to last so
Iām kinda chilling this time
āCause I know dem ride on wonders
I have bridges in my knees,
I was banging play
Paining relief and ganging
Badman donāt go too live
You know how this like
You donāt have a choice no till I die
Up and down dem plenty
Protect your mind and body donāt loose it
Ladies pulling your mind is hired
No force find but you want it
Nothing can stop you soldier oo Ye
In this world, you come and you go
(Go, come and you go)
Story of my life (Life)
Iāve been on my ones, on grinding
Not getting by but itās all timing
I donāt mind it, itās alright
(Itās all good)
However you cope
When you live in a place so cold
Hearts get froze, I donāt trust a soul
āCause in this world, you come and you go
(Go, come and you go)
Story of my life
Iāve been on my ones, on grinding
Not getting by but itās all timing
I donāt mind it, itās alright
(Donāt mind)
However you cope
When you live in a place so cold
Hearts get froze, I donāt trust a soul
Cause in this world,
you come and you go (Go)
{Verse 2}
I got my own but I got me first (Me)
Shout out the ones that have done me dirt
(Shout out)
I pour the pain in the verse
But, bruv, Iāve been hurt
so much it donāt hurt (Nah, nah)
I bring bro ācause he put in the work
They come and they go but he wouldnāt dare
From young, he been there, and never been scared
Heād kill a man before they touched my hair
(My hair)
But most of them came and gone (Uh)
I think thatās why Iām always moving
I never stay, I switched up the plot
Hardly even lay my head in my spot
(Donāt stay there)
Iām an outside baby, but the mind that Iāve got
I would never swap, Iāve been through a lot (Trust)
{Chorus: ArrDee}
āCause in this world,
you come and you go
Story of my life
Iāve been on my ones, on grinding
Not gettinā by but itās all timing
I donāt mind it, itās alright
(Itās fine)
However you cope
When you live in a place so cold
Hearts get froze, I donāt trust a soul
āCause in this world,
you come and you go (Go)
Story of my life
Iāve been on my ones, on grinding
Not getting by but itās all timing
I donāt mind it, itās alright
(Itās alright)
However you cope
When you live in a place so cold
Hearts get froze, I donāt trust a soul
āCause in this world, you come and you go
(Go, come and you go)
{Outro: ArrDee}
Stay with me, donāt fall asleep too soon
The angels can wait for a moment
Thatās the lyrics of Come and Go remix lyrics Black Sheriff and Ardee
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Ardee ft Black Sherif lyrics is a representation of how people donāt usually stick together in all situations.
People come and go and that is exactly what we humans should expect. Here, Ardee ft Black Sherif lyrics of Come and Go remix does nothing apart from show us a realistic part of life.

People are not always wired to stand by you or stay with you all the time.
These days, a lot of things determine loyalty and sticking together, and that is exactly what Ardee ft Black Sherif lyrics of Come and Go remix highlights.
Another notable thing that Ardee mentions that makes Ardee ft Black Sherif Lyrics on come and Go touching is when he says he has seen a lot and been through a lot in life to be shocked by people leaving him and not supporting him.
The iota of truth cannot be denied.
On the other hand, through Come and Go remix lyrics Black Sherif, we hear another side of the song that compliments what is already presented by Ardee.
With Come and Go remix lyrics Black Sherif, we understand that your strength should not be determined by those who stick around you or those who offer you support alone.
Come and Go remix lyrics Black Sherif points out that we should have our own strength and while we should need other peopleās strength too.
It should not be the only one.
This is what Come and Go remix lyrics Ardee ft Black Sheriff means.

Come and Go remix Ardee ft Black Sherif is relatable and this is what makes the song a hit. It is a song that so many people can relate to.
There is a side that everyone can reflect to. If you listen to Ardeeās lyrics intently on Come and Go, there is that part weāve all gone through.
You donāt have to be poor before you are lonely or alone There are rich people who feel the world is cold because that is what they go through.
Ardee ft Black Sherif lyrics point to this.
If there is something that is never lacking in this collaboration, it is the delivery.
Weāve heard Black Sherifās delivery on Kwaku the Traveller and we can see that it is indeed impressive because he discusses something personal about it.
This is the same thing with Ardee.
Come and Go remix is a true story- the story of Ardeeās life and not only can we relate to it, we can feel the delivery on the song because it is driven by passion.
Replay Value

The Relatability and Replay Value of Come and Go remix enhances its replay value
There is almost no flaw with this song. Come and Go remix lyrics Black Sherif and Ardee is on point, as well as the delivery.
But we kind of have a problem understanding the Barbie-like sound at the beginning at the end. Maybe we just donāt understand the symbolism.
Delivery: 1.6/2
Lyricism: 1.7/2
Mixing and Production: 1.4/2
Relatability: 1.7/2
Replay Value: 1.5/2
āTotal: 7.9/10