Last last cover art
Burna Boy Last Last lyrics
Here are the lyrics of Last Last by Burna Boy
Last Last Lyrics Burna Boy
Burna Boy Last Last lyrics
E don cast,
Last last,
Na everybody go chop breakfast
{Verse 1}
You go bow for the result o
Nothing to discuss o, cause I dey win by default o
And without any doubt o,
Omo me I be adult o
I no go fit take your,
I no go fit take your insult o
Omo mind as you dey talk o
I put my life into my job
And I know Iâm in trouble
She manipulate my love oo,
Hmm, I no holy ooo and I no denge pose
Like e Baba Fryo,
My eye o don cry o
I need Igbo and shayo (shayooo)
I need Igbo and shayo (shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (shayooo)
I need Igbo and shayo
(shayo) Shayo, (shayo) Shayo
I need Igbo and shayo (shayooo)
I need Igbo and shayo (shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo
(shayo) Shayo, (shayo) Shayo
{Verse 2}
I dey Port Harcourt when dey kill Soboma
I dey try to buy motor, one Toyota Corolla
My feelings been dey swing like Jangolova
Feelings been dey swing like Jangolova
Now you scratch your Ferrari for Lekki Burna
Na small thing remain, could have been run-over
My feelings still dey swing like Jangolova
Feelings still dey swing like..
Ti ma ni ke juâru, e juâru
Omo why ti o kin fe ni suru?
Why you say I did nothing for you?
I for do anything you want me to do
Ti ma ni ke juâru, e juâru
Omo why ti o kin fe ni suru?
Why you say I did nothing for you?
I for do anything you want me to do
Maybe another time, maybe another life
You will be my wife and weâll get it right
E don cast, last last, na everybody go chop breakfast
Have to say bye bye o,
Bye bye o to the love of my life
My eye ooooh don cry o
I need Igbo and shayo (shayoooo)
I need Igbo and shayo (shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (shayoooo)
I need Igbo and shayo
(shayo) Shayo, (shayo) Shayo
I need Igbo and shayo
I need Igbo and shayo (shayoooo)
I need Igbo and shayo
(shayo) Shayo, (shayo) Shayo
Thatâs the lyrics of Last Last by Burna Boy
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Burna Boy Last Last lyrics is appropriate for the song. To an extent, Burna Boy Last last lyrics speak on two themes.
Kizz Daniel âBugaâ Lyrics Meaning [Explained]
Here is what Burna Boy Last Last lyrics speak on
Disappointment with People
Burna Boy Last last spell out what he faces when people want to undermine him.

He uses the lyrics of last last to show that while he may not be taking insult from people, even he is not exempt form âchoppingâ breakfast at last.Â
Everyone is served last last and the way he is being so disappointed outlines Burna Boy last last song.
According to Burna Boy Last last lyrics, this has him feeling so complicated and he has mood swings. This makes him feel really disappointed, in people, and his relationship with them.
So yes, Burna Boy Last last lyrics depict his disappointment with people and how in fact, he is not exempt from what life and people may throw at him because according to Burna Boy Last last:
Na Everybody go Chop breakfast.
However, Burna Boy still uses last last lyrics to show that he puts in a lot in his work.
He puts in the energy and the disappointment he faces is not deserving but expected. This is what Burna Boy last last lyrics imply at this point.
Disappointment with relationships
On the other part of Last Last song, Burna Boy uses last last lyrics to express his heartbreak in a relationship.
Maybe he had all the ideas in his head because he did everything humanly possible to keep her.
But based on the lyrics of Last last by Burna Boy- sometimes, it doesnât matter, because everyone will face what he has faced; and are in fact, facing it.
Now, he has to cry because he lost the love of his life and he is not willing to really let her go.
This is what Burna Boy last last lyrics is based on at this other part of the song.
So yes, Burna Boy last last lyrics are appropriate for the song
As Burna Boy delivers last last, we feel and hear the truth in his voice and it registers on us.
He delivers Last last with passion and an amount of personal pain because it might have actually be a song about the real breakup he had.
Burna Boyâs delivery on Last last suggests that even if him- a big celebrity still gets served breakfastâ, then it means everyone will get served. This can be depicted through the lyrics of Last Last by Burna boy.
On Last last, Burna Boy sounds humane- not manly as men are said to face break-ups.
He claims he had an accident because of his break-up and he doesnât even now this could happen to him. It is very surprising, but he takes it all in.
He then records a song to share to the world and this makes Burna Boyâs Last last extremely relatable.
We can connect with every ounce of the song because it is what everyone goes through and Burna Boy has just admitted that he went through the same thing.
Replay Value
The hook, and intro of Burna Boyâs last last, as well as the Relatability of the song, all contribute the replay value of the song.
Even Burna Boy last last lyrics contributes to its replay value- especially the lyrics of last last by Burna Boy.
The huge amount of Relatability on this song makes us want to play it all over again. It is indeed a bop.
The major flaw with Burna Boyâs last last appears to be the mixing ad production.
It was good that the mixing and production of Burna Boyâs last last allows for Burna Boyâs voice to dominate the mix, but the mixing and production is not spectacular at all.
It is too simple that it contributes literally nothing to the song other than taking a backseat and letting Burna Boy do all the work.
Delivery: 1.7/2
Lyricism: 1.8/2
Relatability: 1.7/2
Mixing and Production: 1.2/2
Relay Value: 1.6/2
âTotal: 8/10
Stream Last Last by Burna Boy here
Oluwa Burna â¤ď¸â¤ď¸â¤ď¸