Carterefe ft Young Duu Oyinmo lyrics
Here is Oyinmo lyrics by Carterefe ft Young Duu
Carterefe ft Young Duu Oyinmo lyrics
Oyinmo Imela, Oyinmo Imela
Oyinmo Imela, O Papa | thank you O Papa
Young Duu
Oyinmo Imela for my life
Oyinmo Imela for my health
Oyinmo Imela for my family
Oyinmo Imela for my friends
Oyinmo Imela for my success
QOyinmo Imela for everything
Oyinmo Imela, Oyinmo Imela
Oyinmo Imela, O Papa | thank you O Papa
Oyinmo Imela for my talent
Oyinmo Imela for my voice
Oyinmo Imela for my platform
Oyinmo Imela for my fans
Oyinmo Imela for my blessings
Oyinmo Imela for everything
Oyinmo Imela, Oyinmo Imela
Qyinmo Imela, O Papa | thank you O Papa
I’m so grateful for everything that | have
I know that it’s all because of your grace
Oyinmo Imela, | thank you
Oyinmo Imela, Oyinmo Imela
Oyinmo Imela, O Papa | thank you O Papa
Oyinmo Imela, Oyinmo Imela
Oyinmo Imela, O Papa | thank you O Papa
Oyinmo Imela, Oyinmo Imela
Oyinmo Imela, O Papa | thank you O Papa
That’s Oyinmo lyrics by Carterefe ft Young Duu
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Carterefe ft Young Duu Oyinmo lyrics points to how he has gone through so many things that he just cannot but thank God for making them rise above those situations.
In fact, Oyinmo lyrics by Carterefe ft Young Duu explains that God has brought them so far because he knows that he has shed tears in both private and public places.
Oyinmo does not only thank God for the many prospects he has been blessed with, he says that thunder will fire anybody that hates him and says bad things about him.
Again, Oyinmo lyrics by Carterefe ft Young Duu explains that God brought them out of the trenches and fulfilled his mother’s prayers as she has said he would be a superstar and everything points to that now.
Carterefe ft Young Duu Oyinmo makes us recognize that the singer talks about how destiny has brought him to the points of stardom and not only can he reach it, he can experience it with all his heart and to see all the glory that is about to shine about him
Carterefe ft Young Duu Oyinmo lyrics does not disappoint as it points out the many things that people have done to her, which have been notoriously bad.
It would seem that Oyinmo lyrics by Carterefe ft Young Duu is centered on showing that while people may be there for you, no one can be there for you like God.
He says that if not for God, he would have been in situations that would have made her in extreme troubles or have landed her in troubles.
He says she has been backstabbed so many times and this has made her come to the conclusion that the only one capable of not letting anyone down is definitely God.
We all find ourselves in such situations that makes us discover that if God had not been there for us, we would have failed woefully because people can never be depended upon like God. It also reminds us that we should never put our trust in other people 100% because they are meant to be fallible.
They can never be trusted to catch you when you fall, and there are pointers everywhere.
Carterefe ft Young Duu’s delivery on Oyinmo is so amazing. His delivery is powerful and we are here for the vocals!
This song sounds like we want to put it on always because Carterefe ft Young Duu delivers the song passionately.